This poor man called and the Lord heard and saved him out of all his troubles.  Psalms 34:6

Thank You Lord for hearing our cries and saving us.  Thank You for the confidence we can have in You KNOWING that You will ALWAYS hear and answer.  Thank You for the ASSURANCE that NOTHING is too hard for You.   Our lives were changed by Your gentle touch and we thank and praise You.  Thank You for taking our fears and anxieties and helping us continue to trust in You and Your wisdom.  Thank You for Your peace that passes all human understanding.  Oh how we love YOU LORD and THANK YOU.

Thank You Lord.


I sought the Lord and He answered me and freed me from all my fears. Psalms 35:4

Thank You Lord for caring about every aspect of our lives.  Thank You for teaching us over and over in Your scriptures that You take our fears.  Thank You for teaching us how to trust You and fear NOT.  Thank You for the comfort there is in totally trusting You and knowing that You are right with us to bring joy and peace in the midst of the turmoil and trauma we are feeling.  YOU take those feelings and teach us Your loving arms are wrapped around us making the crooked pathways straight.  You LOVE us.  You are with us.  We are never alone.  Oh how we thank and praise You as we feel Your presence and calm down and rest in Your love.  Oh how we thank and praise You.  YOU DO IT ALL!!!

Thank you Lord.


Glorify the Lord with me and let us praise His name together.  Psalms 14:3

Thank You Lord for the joy we find in praising Your name with others.  We are certainly blessed to have churches with their doors wide open here in the United States.  Thank You for the comfort there was during 911 to  gather and sing praises to You as we prayed for Your protection.  I am reminded that You tell us where two or more are gathered there You are in our midst.  We feel Your presence and rejoice in all You have done and are doing.  Thank You for the joy of friends and family that love and encourage us because of their walk with You. 

Thank You Lord.


But now, this is what the Lord says—He who created you, Jacob, He who formed you Israel: ‘Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.  Isaiah 43:1

Thank You Lord for creating me.  Thank You for knowing my name.  Thank You that You KNOW me as Your child.  AND thank You for taking my FEAR and building my trust in You as my Lord and my Savior.  I love You Lord and thank You for helping me grow closer to You each and every day.  The blessings are ours because of Your everlasting love and we thank You.

Thank You Lord.


What is a man benefited if he gains the whole world, yet loses or forfeits himself?  Luke 9:25

Thank You Lord for teaching me this as a little child.  What a tremendous gift that knowledge has been throughout my whole lifetime.  Thank You for the blessing of giving me a wonderful, Godly mother that instilled in me as a child how my life could be lived with You in control.  Your way would be the best way for my life, she would say, so don’t miss it….she taught me to listen to You and obey.  Thank You for helping me through the bumps in the road.  Thank You for assuring me You would ALWAYS be with me and never give me more than You and I could go through.  I love You Lord and thank and praise You for ALWAYS being with me.  Thank You for the assurance that I WILL spend all eternity with You. 

Thank You Lord.


And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.  Hebrews 13:16

Thank You Lord for the wonderful feeling we receive when we are a blessing to someone else.  Thank You that You are also pleased by our actions.  You remind us in this verse that often our ‘doing good and sharing can be a sacrifice.’  For many of us our lives are packed full of many wonderful things that bring joy to our hearts and are pleasing to You …..and we thank You for each one of them.  Thank You for helping us listen to Your still small voice when You call us to help someone in the middle of our busy day.  The blessing is ours when we give and we thank You.  Thank You for the joy that will be ours today when we listen to You and obey. 

Thank You Lord.


Make me to know Your way, O Lord; teach me Your paths.  Lead me in Your truth, and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation, for You I wait all day long.  Psalms 25:4, 5

Thank You Lord for leading us on the pathway You created us to walk upon.  Thank You for helping us keep our eyes upon You and our feet to Your pathway.  Thank You for the peace and joy walking with You brings to our souls.  We are content.  We KNOW You are right there with us.  Thank You for teaching us as we go through each experience in life.  We love You Lord and know You are right with us.  Thank You for Your peace and joy today. 

Thank You Lord.


You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.  Psalms 16:11

Thank You Lord for the peace and contentment verses like this bring to our souls.  Thank You for showing us over and over in Your scriptures how much You love us and are watching over us.  Thank YOU for ALWAYS being there for us.  AND LORD thank YOU for helping us stay close to You so we can take the path of life You are showing us that is the best path for us to follow.  ‘Your presence is fullness of joy’ and we thank You for YOUR JOY and YOUR PEACE today.

Thank You Lord.


No eyes have seen, no ears has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him.  1 Corinthians 2:9

Thank You Lord for reminding us today that we have no idea all You have planned for us when we go to dwell with You forever and ever.  Thank You for preparing something so spectacular that we cannot even begin to image what it will be like.  This verse makes me excited because ….my eyes have never seen anything like it….my ears have never heard anything so beautiful….my mind can’t even imagine what You have prepared for me because of Your love for me.  Thank You for instilling within us the desire to stay here until You call us home.  Thank You for helping us prepare our hearts while we are here on this part of our journey.  We love You Lord and thank You for being with us each step of the way. 

Thank You Lord.


Give your burdens to the Lord, and He WILL take care of you.  He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.  Psalms 55:22

Thank You Lord for the confidence we can have because of Your love for us.  Thank You for taking our burdens.  What a wonderful reminder.  So often Lord we forget Your words and try to work things out on our own.  It is then You give us this verse and remind us that ‘YOU WILL take care of us.’   ‘YOU will NOT permit us to slip and fall.’  Thank You for Your promises that are ALWAYS true.  We love You Lord and look to You today for each concern in our lives.  Thank You for YOUR perfect answers.  Thank You for Your unconditional love that is ALWAYS there for us.  We love You Lord and thank and praise You. 

Thank You Lord.
