Yet Thou hast made him little less than God, and dost crown him with glory and honor. Psalms 8:5 Lord what a privilege it is to worship You. Each day as we look at all the blessings and gifts that are ours we thank You. You are our Lord. You are our savior. You love […]

When I look at Thy heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the stars which Thou hast established; what is man that Thou art mindful of him, and the son of man that Thou dost care for him? Psalms 8:3, 4 Lord how thankful we are for the beauty of our earth. There […]

Thou whose glory above the heavens is chanted by the mouth of babes and infants, Thou hast founded a bulwark because of Thy foes, to still the enemy and the avenger. Psalms 8:2 Thank You Lord for giving us this day to listen to You. Thank You for the joy in serving You. Thank You […]

O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Thy name in all the earth! Psalms 8:1 Thank You Lord that we along with David can call You our Lord. We are Your children and You love us unconditionally. You are there for us and we thank and praise You. We love You Lord. Thank You for […]

O let the evil of the wicked come to an end but establish Thou the righteous, Thou who triest the minds and hearts, Thou righteous God. My shield is with God, who saves the upright in heart. God is a righteous judge and a God who has indignation every day. Psalms 7:9 – 11 Thank […]

Arise, O Lord, in Thy anger, lift Thyself up against the fury of my enemies; awake, O my God, Thou hast appointed a judgment. Psalms 7:6 Lord, David wanted Your help and was crying out to You for it. He wanted You to take care of his enemies. Thank You for being there to hear […]

O Lord my God, if I have done this, if there is wrong in my hands, if I have requited my friend with evil or plundered my enemy without cause, let the enemy pursue me and overtake me, and let him trample my life to the ground, and lay my soul in the dust. Psalms […]

O Lord my God, in Thee do I take refuge; save me from all my pursuers, and deliver me, lest like a lion they rend me, dragging me away, with none to rescue. Psalms 7:1, 2 Lord …David was still crying out to You to be rescued from those that were trying to kill him. […]

Depart from me, all you workers of evil; for the Lord has heard the sound of my weeping. The Lord has heard my supplication; the Lord accepts my prayers. All my enemies shall be ashamed and sorely troubled; they shall turn back and be put to shame in a moment. Psalms 6:8 – 10 Lord […]

David continued….. “I am weary with my moaning; every night I flood my bed with tears; I drench my couch with my weeping. My eye wastes away because of grief, it grows weak because of all my foes.” Psalms 6:6, 7 Lord sometimes we are in phases of our lives that are very difficult. Thank […]