Thought for Today

Because he has anchored his love in Me, I will deliver him.  I will place him securely on high, for he has faith in My name.  When he calls upon Me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him.  I will satisfy him with a long life and show him My salvation.  Psalm 91:14-16

Thank You Lord for our Bibles and verses of encouragement we can read like these.  Thank You for showing us that no matter what is going on in our lives You ARE there.  Thank You for Your help in understanding and accepting.  So often Lord things in our lives don’t make sense and our natural instinct is to question and wonder.  You are there!   You know!  You care! Oh…how we thank You and praise You for giving us the faith to believe and KNOW that You are with us always.   We love You Lord and thank and praise You for Your everlasting love. 

Thank You Lord.


Thought for Today

Let all those who seek Thee rejoice and be glad in Thee; and let those who love Thy salvation say continually, “Let God be magnified.’  Psalm 70:4

Thank You Lord for our salvation.   Thank You for showing us day after day all the things that we can thank You for that magnify Your name when we give You thanks.  Thank You for flooding our lives with reasons to thank You.  Thank You for prayers we can offer up 24/7 and You hear every one of them.  Thank You for giving us the patience that we often need so badly to wait for Your answer.  Today Lord we want to ‘seek You and be GLAD in You.’  Thank You for reminding us today to keep our eyes focused upon You so You can fill us with Your peace and Your joy. 

Thank You Lord.


Thought for Today

Blessed be the Lord; day by day He carries us, God of our salvation.  Psalm 67:19

Thank You Lord for being our Lord and our Savior.  Thank You for ‘carrying us’ day by day.  Thank You for the confidence we can have knowing You are there watching over us….caring for us….loving us.  Thank You for taking our fears and replacing them with faith.  A faith that KNOWS YOU WILL help us….You ARE our rock and we CAN STAND on YOU.  We love You Lord and thank and praise You for giving us Your peace and joy today.

Thank You Lord.


Thought for Today

For God certainly has heard; He has attended to the voice of my prayer.  Blessed be God, who has turned away neither my prayer nor His covenant love from me.  Psalms 66:19, 20

Thank You Lord for hearing every prayer we utter.  You are there listening to our praise and listening to our cries for help.  Thank You for Your wisdom today in helping us through this day.  Thank You for giving us answers we would not have known had we not ask You and listened.  Thank You for showing us YOUR way and helping us give up OUR own desires.  Thank You for Your ‘covenant love’ that gives us the assurance that You ARE there with ALL the answers. 

Thank You Lord.


Thought for Today

Bless our God, O ye peoples, and sound His praise abroad, who keeps our soul in life and does not allow our foot to slip. For thou has tested us, O God.  Thou hast refined us as silver is purified.  Psalm 66:8 – 10

Thank You Lord for being a God that we can shout Your praises no matter where we are or what we are doing.  Thank You for our lives today.  Lives that can bow down and thank You for all You are in our life.  Thank You for not only a life but a life that can enjoy Your peace and joy each day and every hour of the day and night.  Thank You for ALWAYS being with us and the faith to believe You are watching over us and will give us the strength we need.  Thank You for helping us enjoy Your peace and joy today.

Thank You Lord.


Thought for Today

He rules by His power forever; His eyes observe the nations; let not the rebellions exalt themselves.  Psalm 66:7

Thank You for the trust we can have in You Lord when we read verses like this one.  Thank You for reminding us once again today who rules this earth.  Our fears are calmed as we trust in You and we thank You.  Thank You for telling us once again that ‘YOUR eyes observe the nations.’  There is nothing that surprises You Lord.  You see EVERYTHING.  YOU ARE in control, and we thank You.  Thank You for reminding us to pray.  Pray for our leaders.  Pray for our own anxieties.  Pray for Your joy and peace to flood our souls today.  Thank You for providing it so freely.  We love You Lord and thank You for loving us unconditionally. 

Thank You Lord.


Thought for Today

For reverence of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  There is insight in all who observe it.  His praise is everlasting.  Psalm 111:10

Thank You Lord for the wisdom You give us that look to You for answers.  Thank You for helping us shine for You.  Oh how we praise and thank You for answers to our prayers.  Thank You for giving us the faith to believe that ALL is possible if we listen to Your answers and believe.  Thank You for being with us today and showing us that person that needs Your arms of love around them.  We love You Lord and thank and praise You for Your help in our lives each day.

Thank You Lord.


Thought for Today

Now may the God of peace, who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shephard of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, furnish you with everything good to do His will, working within us through Jesus Christ what is well-pleasing in His sight.  To Him be glory forever and ever.  Amen.  Hebrews 13:20, 21

Thank You for this beautiful prayer by James to us today.  This is our desire too Lord as we walk with You through our lives.  Thank You for YOUR peace each day that You offer so freely.  Thank You for reminding us that our hearts need not be troubled.  Thank You for Your peace that so often is beyond our own human understanding.  Thank You for being our guiding Shephard as we keep our eyes upon Your desire for our lives.  We love You Lord and thank You for being our guiding light today. 

Thank You Lord.


Thought for Today

Do not forget to do good and be generous for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.  Hebrews 16:13

Thank You Lord for the scriptures that tell us when You are pleased with our actions.  Thank You too for showing us that doing good and being generous are often a sacrifice.  Thank You for giving us Your help in being all You are calling us to be.  We love You Lord and want to be full of Your love and compassion.  Thank You for teaching us each day how to become more and more like You. 

Thank You Lord.


Thought for Today

The Lord will shield your going out and your coming in from now on for evermore.  Psalm 121:8

Thank You Lord for always watching over us.  Thank You for Your peace and comfort knowing that You are there to help in ALL situations.  Often Lord it is hard to understand why things are going wrong in our lives.  Then we read verses like this and have to ask ourselves if they are really going ‘wrong’ or is there a different plan that You have for our lives.  Lord, I will be the first to admit it takes me a while to stop and listen to what You are trying to teach me.  It is verses like this one that remind me You are there….’The LORD WILL Shield.’  Thank You for being my SHIELD Lord.  Thank You for giving me the faith to believe and to trust YOU.  Thank You for helping me walk on knowing You ARE shielding me.  Oh….how I thank and praise You for taking care of me. 

Thank YOU Lord.
