
One of the multitude said to Him (Jesus), “Teacher, bid my brother divide the inheritance with me.”  But He said to him, “Man, who made Me a judge or divider over you?”  Luke 12:13, 14

Lord it was very interesting yesterday that I skipped verse 14 and used verses 13 and 15.  Certainly You had something for me to see by doing that however there is a whole other meaning to the writing.

It seemed that there was always someone that was trying to get you to do or say something that would cause others to find fault with You.

Here again someone was calling on You to make a decision that someone else had already made or was going to make to settle an argument.

This man wanted his own way.  Right or wrong it was self serving.

Thank You Lord for seeing our hearts.

Thank You for knowing all things

Thank You that You could have made the decision and yet You didn’t.

Thank You that nothing is impossible with You.

Thank You for knowing what is the best for us and so often we have no clue what that is or why things happen as they do.

Thank You for Your unconditional love that calls us on to be more than we ever dreamed we could be.

Thank You Lord.

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