A hoary (white) head is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life. Proverbs 16:31

Thank You Lord for my white hair and the wisdom that comes with each new year of life.

Thank You for this verse that reminds me how special it truly is.

I am reminded this morning that I was aware of my white hair when a classmate sitting behind me in the fifth grade said oooo a white hair. It sure didn’t seem so special at that embarrassing moment though Lord. As the years continued though there were many compliments until my age and hair have come to meet each other today. Thank You for each hair on my head Lord for truly each one is a gift from You that You have numbered. Thank You.

Thank You for the desire You placed within me as a child to live for You.

What a gift! What a blessing! Thank You for memories.

Thank You Lord.

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