One of the servants of the high priest, a kinsman of the man whose ear Peter had cut off, asked, “Did I see you in the garden with Him?” Peter again denied it and at once the cock crowed. John 18:26, 27

Once again Lord, Peter was not willing to say he was with You. Once again he feared for his own life. It was bad enough he was watching what You were going through. You had told him he would deny he ever knew You and the cock would crow. What a reminder that must have been when he heard that crow. It must have been a very sad moment for him.

Lord we know that Peter loved You and yet he was weak and could not stand the test. We too are human and weak.

Thank You Lord for being our strength.

Thank You for always being there when we cry out to You.

Oh how blessed we are Lord because You love us unconditionally…..faults and all……

Thank You! Thank You Lord.

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