Now Simon Peter was standing warming himself, they (officers) said to him, “Are not you also one of His (Jesus) disciples?” He denied it and said, “I am not.” John 18:25

Lord, once again Peter is asked if he is Your disciple and he denied it.

Lord it is very hard to stand up for what you believe in when there are those that are going to take your life from you. That is what Peter was thinking. They already had carted you off ‘bound’ and now Peter knew that could be his fate too. He wanted to save His own life. He couldn’t help You at this point but he could save his own life if he denied that he was following You. So…that is exactly what he did.

What are we to learn from Peter’s experience? Will we stand the test when it is our turn?

Lord, thank You for being with us to help us.

Thank You for being there in the most difficult hours of our lives. You care.

Thank You for the victory we experience when we keep our eyes upon You.

We CAN stand the test with Your help.

Thank You. Thank You Lord.

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