Come and see what God has done; He is terrible in His deeds among men. He turned the sea into dry land; men passed through the river on foot. There did we rejoice in Him, who rules by His might forever, whose eyes keep watch on the nations…let not the rebellious exalt themselves. Psalms 66:5 – 7
Thank You Lord for the encouragement we receive when reading how You kept Your eyes on the nations. Yes, there is much we don’t understand. Yes, there is much we don’t like. BUT we know that You are there watching over us. We have read and rejoiced over the parting of the sea. We saw how You were in control. You made a way of escape. You are that same Lord that walks with us today. Thank You for going before us today to make the crooked pathway straight. Nothing is too hard for You and we thank You.
Thank You Lord.
Filed under: Thought for Today
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