But the other (hanging on the cross with Jesus) rebuked him, (the other man hanging on the other side of Jesus) saying, “Do you not fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? And we indeed justly; for we are receiving the due reward of our deeds; but this Man has done nothing wrong.” Luke 23:40, 41

Lord we are reading here about two criminals hanging on either side of You on the cross. One of the men recognized his own error and accepted who You were and why You were there. The other man only wanted to save his life and wanted You to prove who You were by saving Yourself so You could save him too. Are we any different today Lord. No – so often it is all about us.

Thank You Lord – once again I have to thank You for loving me so unconditionally.

Thank You that Your love for each of us never gives up on calling us to become more and more like You.

Thank You for Your forgiveness because we so often need it Lord as we go our own way.

Oh to be like You Lord – full of Your love and understanding.

Thank You for ALWAYS being there for us when we cry out to You.

Thank You Lord.

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