(Jesus continued) “Whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.” Luke 12:3
Lord again today I have to thank You for telling these Pharisees that they were not getting away with their thoughts or their actions.
Thank You for giving them so many illustrations that showed them that You knew them inside and out. Their every thought and their every motive was seen by You.
Thank You that You could say the very same thing to us if You were on this earth today. You know our thoughts and you know our motives.
Thank You for Your forgiveness and unconditional love.
Thank You that we don’t have to be perfect but we do have to be humble and ask for Your forgiveness.
Thank You for always holding out Your hand to us and forgiving.
We are blessed.
Thank You Lord.
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