The poor use entreaties but the rich answer roughly. Proverbs 18:23

Lord I think what Solomon wants his son to realize here is that there is value in the poor just as there is the rich.

Seems Lord that today in this lifetime we place great value on those that You have been blessed with riches. Many often look away from those that are poor.

I am one of those Lord that have had a valuable lesson in learning what it was like to be raised in a poor family. I got to see and learn about life from the other side of the tracks so to speak. What a gift and what a blessing that has been to me in my adult life as I have learned to value all people. My life from baby up was amerced in love. That is the greatest gift of all. Money cannot buy love.

What a gift I was given Lord but it took me a long time to see and appreciate it. Oh how I thank You today for opening my eyes to see the wonderful gift You had given me. Thank You.

Thank You Lord.


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