
(Jesus continued)  “Woe to you lawyers! for you have taken away the key of knowledge; you did not enter yourselves, and you hindered those who were entering.”  Luke 11:52

Lord these lawyers sure had a lot hanging over their heads.

They sure did a lot of things that were not right.

Lord the people of that day knew the things were not right as well as You knew it.

They had caused a lot of injury because of what they had done.

Thank You Lord that You are there to listen to us and help us know the right things to do and say.

Thank You that the closer we are to You the more we hear Your gentle voice that guides us.

Thank You that we are forgiven when we ask because in our human state we are sure far from perfect.

Thank You for always picking us up and calling us on to be more like You.

Thank You for the joy of serving You.

Thank You Lord.

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