A desire fulfilled is sweet to the soul but to turn away from evil is an abomination to fools. Proverbs 13:19

Thank You Lord for the joy of having the desire of our hearts met. Truly it is a sweet gift to our soul. It goes to the very depths of us when a dream is fulfilled. Thank You for each and every time You give us what You know is the best thing for our lives.

Lord I have to admit though that often I don’t realize what a wonderful gift You are giving me until way after the fact. Thank You for knowing what is best for my life and providing it. Thank You for helping me see and understand….. often years and years later. Often Lord disappointments at the times we can see were great gifts as the years of our lives unfold. You were there working out everything for our good all along even though we didn’t know it or understand it.

Today we just want to thank You for all You are bringing to pass in our lives to bring honor and glory to Your name. Oh how we thank You.

Thank You Lord.


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