Son, if you endorse a note for someone you hardly know, guaranteeing his debt, you are in serious trouble. You may have trapped yourself by your agreement. Quick! Get out of it if you possibly can. Swallow Your pride; don’t let embarrassment stand in the way. Go and beg to have your name erased. Don’t rest until you do. If you can get out of this trap you have saved yourself like a deer that escapes from a hunter, or a bird from the net. Proverbs 6:1 – 5
Thank You Lord for Your words of wisdom and guidance.
It is often very easy to feel sorry for the wrong people and be taken into situations we should never have gotten into.
Thank You for helping us know what to do.
You are there Lord to help and guide us and we thank You.
Thank You Lord.
Thank you.
Filed under: Thought for Today
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