But Jesus said, “Let her alone; why do you trouble her? She has done a beautiful thing to Me. For you always have the poor with you and whenever you will you can do good to them; but you will not always have Me. She has done what she could she has anointed my body beforehand for burying. And truly I say to you, wherever the gospel is preached in the whole world, what she has done will be told in memory of her.” Mark 14:6 – 9

Lord we don’t even know this woman’s name but we sure know her story.

It is a beautiful story because it shows the world her love for You. But even more than that Lord, Your answer to these that chided her for giving her money was even more meaningful…..You told those listening that she had done a beautiful thing. You acknowledged her love for You and her expensive gift. You told her it was a good thing. You validated what she had done for You.

Thank You Lord for teaching us to appreciate what others give us. Some give us love, some give us attentions, some give us peace just by being around them and some give us a smile….Lord thank You for each gift and each giver.

Oh how fortunate we are Lord . There are so many gifts from You and we thank You.

Thank You Lord.

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