And as He sat on the Mount of Olives opposite the temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew asked Him privately, “Tell us, when will this be and what will be the sign when these things are all to be accomplished?” Mark 13:3, 4
Lord these verses show us how much these four men believed You. They knew whatever You told them would be the truth and it would happen just as You would say. They were curious …..they wanted to know.
Thank You Lord for our gift of curiosity. And it truly is a gift because it takes us beyond our own knowledge and causes us to want to know more and more. It causes us to want to explore and learn more. Often it causes us to be dissatisfied and we can no longer just accept things as they are because we know there is a better way. We grow and changed. Our lives are enriched.
Lord when we bring our curiosity and sit at Your feet to learn You teach us more and more. What a gift. What a joy. What a life changing experience.
Oh how I thank You.
Thank You Lord
Filed under: Thought for Today
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