And in His (Jesus) teaching He said, “Beware of the scribes, who like to go about in long robes, and to have salutations in the market places and the best seat in the synagogues and the places of honor at feasts, who devour widows’ houses and for a pretense make long prayers. They will receive the greatest condemnation.” Mark 12:38 – 40

Lord it is no wonder the scribes were unhappy with You and wanted to destroy You. They were saying they were doing everything because of their love for You and yet all of the things mentioned above were self-serving. They used them to bring attention to themselves and to profit themselves. You knew that because You saw their hearts and their motives.

Before we throw stones at them Lord we need to look at our own lives and evaluate our own actions. How easy it is to say we are doing things in YOUR name and yet when we look within we learn differently.

Thank You Lord that this is where Your love and compassion takes over. This is how You love us unconditionally. This is how YOU help us changes into Your selfless image. This is how joy floods our souls because we know with Your help we not only can be different but WILL be different.

Oh how we thank and praise You for the changes that only You can make in our lives.

Thank YOU! Thank You Lord.

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