
And Pilate asked Him, (Jesus) “Are You the King of the Jews?”  And He answered him, “You have said so.”  Luke 23:3, 4

Lord what a tremendous responsibility Pilate had.  These angry men that were trying to do You in brought You to Pilate and wanted him to agree with them and destroy You.  What was he to do.  Who was he to side with.  Lord there are those many times in our lives when we too find it difficult to choose.

Thank You Lord that being who You were and knowing the hearts of these men allowed You to know just the right words to say.

Thank You for giving us the insight to know what to do and what to say when we ask for Your guidance.

Thank You Lord that we are never alone on our journey here because You are always there to guide and direct us.

Oh how thankful we are Lord to have You at our side.

Thank You Lord.

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