One of the lawyers answered Him, (Jesus) “Teacher, in saying this you reproach us also.” Luke 11:45
Lord this lawyer spoke up and told You what he thought about the way You were talking to the Pharisees.
He put himself at the same level as the Pharisees.
At least he was willing to admit it.
Perhaps he was afraid that You were going to expose him next and he wanted to keep You from doing that so he tried to tell You how wrong You were to talk to the Pharisees as You did.
Thank You Lord that You don’t cut us slack when we are doing things that don’t please You.
Thank You for pointing out those things in our lives that do not please You.
Thank You for giving us the power to change into Your image.
Thank You for being patient during the process because it can often take us a very long time to finally get it right.
Thank You for never giving up on us but always waiting with opened arms.
We are blessed. We have much to thank You for Lord.
Thank You Lord.
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