And He (Jesus) entered Jerusalem, and went into the temple; and when He had looked round at everything, as it was already late, He went out to Bethany with the twelve. Mark 11:11
Lord this is an interesting verse. I’m not sure why Mark wrote it. You came into Jerusalem to go to the temple to look around at everything in it. What were You looking for? Why was that important enough for Mark to write about it. I have no answers. The only thought that comes to my mine is that this was Your Father’s place of worship. You were interested in being sure Your Father’s place of worship had everything in order. It must have been in order because you looked and left.
Thank You Lord for our places of worship and the fact that we are free to worship any time. We are truly blessed and yet we take it so for granted. Thank You for reminding us today that we have much to thank and praise You for. AND we do thank You.
Thank You Lord. Thank You.
Filed under: Thought for Today
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