And he (man wanting eternal life) said to Him, (Jesus) “Teacher, all these (commandments) I have observed from my youth.” And Jesus looking upon him loved him, and said to him, “You lack one thing; go sell what you will have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” Mark 10:20
Lord You always know the one thing we have a hard time letting go of that keeps us from being all we can be for You. This man was very wealthy and didn’t want to give up what he had to follow You. What stands out to me was the fact that You loved Him. I think because You knew what his true desires were You loved him. He wasn’t an evil man …..he was someone that wanted eternal life and came to You to find out how he could have it. Was the price too high for him? Were You asking too much?
Thank You for loving us unconditionally. You see our hearts. You see our love for You. You love us.
Thank You Lord.
Filed under: Thought for Today
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