And He (Jesus) sat down and called the twelve and He said to them, “If any one would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.” Mark 9:35

Lord Your disciples were just talking amongst themselves while walking about who was first with You. You asked them what they were talking about but they did not answer You. Now You were showing them that You knew their thoughts and desires by revealing this truth to them.

Truly Lord that this is Your gospel. The first shall be last and the last shall be first. In reality Lord this has been hard for me to accept because I have been one of those that have walked with You my whole life. BUT the great new is I have had You by my side every moment of every day for which I am so grateful. Even if I am last Lord it makes no difference because there was never a moment You were not beside me ever since I was eight years old. Oh how blessed I have been because of You Lord.

I have so much to thank You for and do thank and praise You.

Thank You Lord. Thank You.

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