And He (Jesus) took the blind man by the hand, and led him out of the village; and when He had spit on his eyes and laid His hands upon him, He said him, “Do you see anything?” Mark 8:23
Lord, so often even today Your healing come in strange ways. This was certainly very different….’spit on his eyes and laid Your hands upon him’….. Seems a bit of a strange way to cause someone to be healed BUT the key to this story for me is the faith this blind man had.
You took his hand and let him outside the village. How excited this man must have felt but on the other hand if I were him I would have wonder why You couldn’t heal me right there. Why were You taking me out of the village…..
Thank You Lord for the gift of faith.
Thank You that when we know You are there we never question Your actions or motives. We just follow and trust. Strange as it may look to those around us. We know You are leading and in control.
You are there! You lead us when we ask You to. Oh how blessed we are. Thank You.
Thank You Lord.
Filed under: Thought for Today
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