And He (Jesus) sighed deeply in His spirit, and said, “Why does this generation seek a sign? Truly I say to you, no sign shall be given to this generation.” Mark 8:12

Lord the Pharisees were asking for a sign to help them believe You were truly the Son of God. They were also looking for a way to trip You up so they could do away with You. They had seen many wonderful things that You had done and yet they asked for another sign. Now You were telling them they would not get one.

Lord even if You would have given them another sign they would have used it to turn against You. They didn’t want a sign they wanted to destroy You and You knew it.

Thank You Lord for revealing to us who You are without signs By faith we accepted You and know that You are who You said You were. We are Your children and we love You Lord. Oh how we thank You for dying for us. Thank You.

Thank You Lord.

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