
Then He (Jesus) told them, (disciples)  “But now he who has a purse, take it, and a bag too, and he who has no sword, sell your coat and buy one.  For I tell you what is written has to be accomplished in Me.  ‘He was classed among the criminals’; for what is written about Me is reaching a conclusion.”             Luke 22:36, 37

Lord I have often thought it would be nice to see what is coming in my life.   When I read verses such as this one I know that You have chosen the better way for me to live my life by not knowing.  You knew what was ahead of You and You were trying to prepare Your disciples for the hard times they were going to have.

Thank You Lord that You have promised that You will never give us anything in our lives that we cannot handle with Your help.

Thank You that we can have the confidence to know You are always with us.

Thank You for giving us a peace that passes all human understanding.

Lord none of this is easy but You give us Your strength when we cry out to You.

Thank You for those that You send as our angels to help us through the challenges.

Gifts from You Lord and I thank You.

Thank You Lord.

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