
(Jesus continued)  Similarly He gave the cup after supper, saying, “This cup is the new Covenant in My blood, poured out on your behalf.  Luke 22:20

Lord once again what must the disciples have thought when you talked about Your blood being poured out on their behalf.  You were with them.  You were there sharing this Passover meal with them.  All was well.

Thank You Lord that these disciples that show us how to trust in You without knowing everything You were talking about.

Thank You too Lord for those times in our lives when we don’t have all the answers and yet we know You are calling us and we obey.

Thank You for faith to believe and trust as we follow You.

You are with us Lord.  You are guiding and directing our lives.  We are Your sheep and we hear Your voice.  Oh how we praise and thank You.

Thank You Lord.

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