Pilate said to them, (chief priests and Pharisees) “You have a guard of soldiers; go, make it as secure as you can.” So they went and made the sepulcher secure by sealing the stone and setting a guard. Matthew 27:65, 66

Lord these men were still being vindictive and trying their very best to be sure You were in that tomb dead and staying there forever. They wanted no part of anything that had to do with You. They wanted all the attention and the power. They were not about to share it with You.

Thank You Lord that the best made plans of men don’t always work. Death could not keep You in the grace. No one needed to steal You. You came out of the tomb by Yourself alive. You are alive today.

We are Your children and we thank You for paying the price.

We love You Lord and thank You.

Thank You Lord.

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