When it was evening, there came a rich man from Arimathea named Joseph, who also was a disciple of Jesus. He went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. Then Pilate ordered it to be given to him. Matthew 27:57, 58
Lord once again I see Pilate playing a part. He could have said, ‘No’ but he didn’t. He gave the body to Joseph of Arimathea.
Thank You Lord for those that loved You while on this earth.
When I remember that You had just died when Joseph went to Pilate it reminds me that so many hopes and dreams were dashed. Joseph hadn’t changed his view of You. He still loved You and wanted to give You a place to lay Your head.
Thank You for men like Joseph that have a deep desire to follow You no matter what the cost is.
Oh how wonderful it is to know and love You too. You are always there for us. Oh how we thank You.
Thank You Lord
Filed under: Thought for Today
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