
He (Jesus) entered Jericho and as He was passing through it, there was a man names Zacchaeus, a chief tax collector and wealthy, who tried to see who Jesus was.  But he could not on account of the crowd, because he was short.  Luke 19:1 – 3

Lord as a child I always loved this story.  There was a catchy little song that we would sing and illustrate by going way down and making ourselves look small.  What great memories when I think about it.

Thank You Lord for persistence.

Thank You for the willingness to go to any length to see You.

Thank You for curiosity.

Thank You that we have within each of us that same drive that Zacchaeus had.

Thank You that we are called and driven to know You better and love You more.

Thank You for these gifts that You Lord have given us.

Thank You Lord.

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