(Jesus continued) “Likewise as it was in the days of Lot –they ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built, but on the day when Lot went out from Sodom fire and brimstone rained from heaven and destroyed them all—so will it be on the day when the Son of man is revealed.”
Luke 17:28 – 30
Lord, yesterday You reminded the disciples of what happened because the people in Noah’s day didn’t pay any attention to You. Now today You are reminding Your disciples about what happened in Lot’s time and how no one paid attention to You then either.
Thank You Lord that we have these reminders also.
Thank You for the many other reminders that have been given to us and the wake up calls in our own lives.
Thank You that You never gave up on us and continue to call us to Yourself.
Thank You Lord for Your call. Oh, how we need it. Oh that we would obey and come closer to You.
Thank You for Your patience with us Lord.
Thank You Lord.
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