When He (Jesus) came down from the mountain, great crowds followed Him; and behold, a leper came to Him and knelt before Him, saying, “Lord, if you will, You can make me clean.” Matthew 8:1, 2

Faith! Hope! Lord this man with leprosy had both hope and faith. He knew You could heal him and he wanted that healing. You were his only hope because until recently there was no cure for leprosy. A leper had to cry out ‘unclean’ when around others. They were exiled to an island or colony outside the city so others could not be around them. I visited a colony on an island near Hong Kong. It was a very sad life changing experience. There were those with many missing parts of their bodies that were eaten away from the disease. I understand the desperation of this man. You were his ONLY hope Lord.

Thank You Lord for being our only hope today. Oh we may not have body parts missing from leprosy but our souls have a hunger and thirst that only You can fill.

Thank You for cleansing us from the things that would eat away at our life and keep us from You.

Thank You for Your peace and joy that is ours when we serve You.

Like the leper we are free because of You.

Thank You Lord.

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