
(Jesus continued)  “But it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away, than for one dot of the law to become void.”  Luke 16:17

Lord it is so hard for us to give up what we feel is right.  The Pharisees were so sure that following the law was the right way that when You talked with them they didn’t believe You.  You knew it was very hard for them to give up one of their laws and follow what You were talking to them about.

Forgive us Lord when we are the same today.

Open our eyes of understanding and our ears to hear the truth.

Thank You Lord that You are waiting to hear our cries for help.

Thank You for forgiveness and mercy.

Thank You that You love us in spite of who we are and what we do or don’t do.

Oh that we could be like You Lord in all our ways.

Thank You for Your unconditional love that knows no limits.

Thank You Lord.

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