But when Herod died, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, saying, “Rise, take the Child and His mother and go to the land of Israel, for those who sought the Child’s life are dead.” Matthew 2:19, 20

Lord, there are times we feel like our lives are difficult and full of turmoil. Then we read the stories in the Bible and we realize ‘that IS life.’ Life is a journey and often that journey is filled with experiences that cause us to run to You for comfort. Certainly this time in Joseph’s life was not what he thought it would be. First Mary becomes pregnant and he knows that it could not be his child. Then when Mary had the child Joseph was told to quickly get out of town because Herod was going to kill the Baby. Now Joseph is being told to pull up steaks and go to Israel. His life has been in a constant turmoil. AND what amazes us, that think all should go smoothly because we love You and are following You, was how many trials Joseph and Mary had. This was all happening to them in spite of the fact that we read that Joseph did exactly whatever You asked of him. He was always obedient. How can we expect our lives would be any different than their lives. What we see in all of this is the fact that they listen to You and did as You asked. You continued to be with them just as You continue to be with us every step of our lives. You are always there.

Thank You for always being with us Lord.

Thank You Lord.

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