
(Jesus continued)  “He (master’s debtor) said, ‘A hundred measures of oil.’  And he (steward) said to him, ‘Take your bill, and sit down quickly and write fifty.’”   Luke 16:6

Lord what is it that is within us to want to get even with someone.  It is obvious that since this steward had done the wrong things and been caught he was now going to do even more dishonest things to get even with his master.

Lord this verse points the spotlight on just how wicked our hearts are when we are not in tune with You.

Thank You Lord for seeing and knowing all about us.

Thank You for calling us to be different than our own natural desires.

Thank You for showing us over and over that without our eyes upon You we would be no different and often are no different than this steward.

Thank You for loving us and waiting for us to return from the errors of wanting our own way.

Thank You for Your grace that loves us in spite of who we are and what we do.

Thank You Lord.

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