And he (Joseph) rose and took the Child, and His mother by night and departed to Egypt, and remained there until the death of Herod. This was to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet, “Out of Egypt have I called My Son.” Matthew 2:14, 15

Lord, it was as if Joseph and Mary were fugitives on the run with You. Herod was a very jealous King. This period in the life of Joseph must have been very frightening. He was running from an angry king. A king that had been tricked by the wise men when they went a different way so they did not have to see Herod.

Thank You Lord that Your plan is always a perfect plan.

Thank You that Your plan for our lives is perfect too.

Oh to relax and allow You to be in control. That is my goal. That is my desire. With Your help Lord it can happen.

Thank You! Thank You Lord.

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