Peter then came out with the other disciple and they went toward the tomb. They both ran but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first; and stooping to look in, he saw the linen cloths lying there but he did not go in. John 20:3 – 6

Lord this must have been a very frightening time for Your disciples. The stone on Your grave was rolled away and You were gone. What had happened? Had someone taken Your body? I can imagine the excitement.

Lord in my own life I can recall the many Easter Sundays that I sang, “Up from the Grave He Arose.” Easter has always been a time for rejoicing….reflecting….excitement….You arose. BUT these disciples didn’t know that at this point in the story. They had much to learn. And learn they did as the story unfolds.

Thank You Lord for this story as told by John.

Thank You for giving us that follow You everlasting life.

Oh what a gift.

Thank You Lord.

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