Now the chief priests and the Pharisees had given orders that if anyone knew where He (Jesus) was, he should let them know, so they might arrest Him. John 11:57

A hunted Man…..Lord you were a hunted man because You went about doing good in the name of Your Father. There have been men that were hunted because they were doing evil things but certainly not for doing good things. You had just raised Lazarus from the dead. You had healed the sick. You had made blind eyes see. You were far too popular and they wanted You killed. How sad! And what is even sadder is that they thought they were doing a good thing by trying to capture You.

Thank You Lord for paying the price for our sin.

Thank You for coming to this earth to die for each one of us.

Thank You for showing us a better way to live.

Thank You that You are always there to hear our praises and our requests.

Oh how fortunate we are Lord because we have You.

Thank You Lord.

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