(Jesus continued) “I sent you to reap that for which you did not labor; others have labored, and you have entered into their labor.”
John 4:38
Lord my mind immediately went to all the gifts I have been given in my lifetime because there was someone that labored so I could reap the reward. Penicillin made my life better when I was a child whenever I had swollen glands. Your word goes out over this computer because of the many hours that were spent figuring out what I could never figure out in a lifetime. Two little examples of reaping rewards because someone else labored.
Lord You came to earth and gave Your life so I could reap the reward of eternal life. Thank You. How can I ever say ‘thank You’ enough.
Thank You for the wisdom and knowledge You impart and then allow us to use each day.
We are so, so blessed Lord because You love us with Your unconditional love.
Thank You Lord.
Filed under: Thought for Today
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