And they (a Jew and John’s disciple) came to John and said to him, “Rabbi, He who was with you beyond the Jordan, to whom you bore witness, here He is, baptizing, and all are going to Him.” John 3:26

Lord it is so interesting how often we are bothered by others that we think are more popular than we are. This feeling of being less than goes way back in time as is evidenced by this verse.

Thank You Lord that when things like this bother us You are there to listen to us.

Thank You that when we follow You and Your calling on our lives we have the self-confidence we need.

Thank You for helping us see others in a whole different light when Your light shines within us.

Thank You that John knew his calling and he knew who You were and why You were here.

Thank You for changing us from the inside out and helping us rejoice with others that succeed even when it is more than we do.

Thank You Lord.

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