Thought for Today

She (Mary) will give birth to a son, and you are to call Him Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.  All this took place in fulfillment of what the Lord had said through the prophet.  Matthew 1:20, 21

Thank You Lord for coming to earth as a baby to save us all from our sins.  Thank You for asking all of us to come to You.  You are waiting with open arms to receive us.  Thank You for giving us freedom and peace by taking away our sins and making us a whole new person.  Lord, You were the long-awaited Savior that everyone was waiting for.  Today, we are no different than the people of the day You were born.  Today we are watching and waiting for You to come back to the earth and take those that love You and are following You to heaven with You.  Thank You for preparing our home to spend all eternity with You. 

Thank You Lord.


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