Send us around the world with the news of Your saving power and Your eternal plan for all mankind. How everyone throughout the earth will praise the Lord! Psalms 67:2, 3
Thank You Lord for the way Your love changes lives and hearts. What our world needs today is to experience Your love, Your forgiveness and Your peace. Thank You for those that are willing to give their time and energy to follow their calling to leave the comforts of home and go to those in this world that have never heard of You. Thank You for each of us that share our faith with those we are in contact with. We are the blessed ones. There is JOY in servicing a risen Savior that can change lives and give peace and joy in the midst of the trials of life. We thank You and praise You for being our Lord and our Savior. We thank You for our joy and our peace that so often passes all human understanding.
Thank You Lord.
Filed under: Thought for Today
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