Now your attitudes and thoughts must be constantly changing for the better. Yes you must be a new and different person, holy and good. Clothe yourself with this new nature. Ephesians 4:23, 24
Thank You Lord for helping us to change moment by moment and day by day. It is our love for You and Your power within us that makes the changes that help us become more and more like You. Lord….I recall so well what happened as a child when my mother chose You as her Lord and Savior. The neighbors were amazed at her reaction when a clothes line broke and all the white cloths went into the mud. They expected my mom to let out a string of cuss words and were amazed at her reaction. Yes, You had changed her from the inside out. She had this ‘new nature.’ She was a ‘new and different person.’ She was totally changed by Your power. Thank You for that same power that is within each of us changing us moment by moment day by day. Oh how we need You and thank You.
Thank You Lord.
Filed under: Thought for Today
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